TSM Premium Survey

We are reviewing our Premium offering and considering where to take it in the future, with potential new features and…


New Custom String Parsing

Introduction Custom strings have long been at the heart of what makes TradeSkillMaster such a versatile and powerful tool for…


TradeSkillMaster 4.13 – Supporting Dragonflight 10.1.5

Following on from our last update with a recap of what was done and was to come in TSM in…


Dragonflight Update

In this post, we're going to dive into where we're at, what's coming soon, and where we're going with regards…


TSM Addon 4.12 released!

Following the brief beta test, TSM Addon version 4.12 is now fully released for Dragonflight!Check out our previous blog post…


Announcing TSM 4.12 Beta Test!

As the launch of the Dragonflight expansion draws near, we're very happy to announce the beta test of the 4.12…


New Public Web API

We are excited to announce that we are launching a brand new public web API! If you aren’t sure what…


TSM Service Outage March 2022

Actions to Take Let's start with the actions you are recommended to take as a TSM user: All users: Update…


Anatomy of TSM Release: Feature Selection

In this series, we are detailing what goes on behind the scenes to ship a new major TSM addon release.…


TradeSkillMaster 4.11 Released!

Version 4.11 of TradeSkillMaster is now available for general release! Your Desktop application will update your addon automatically, or you…
