Category - Change Log

Changelog of TSM for app and in-game reference

TradeSkillMaster v4.9 Changelog

TSM v4.9 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [Updated TSM to support patch 8.3](
* Fixed bug with “/tsm restock_help” not displaying in the correct chat tab and incorrectly blaming restock quantities
* Fixed “script ran too long” error while in combat
* Significantly optimized how TSM internally evaluates custom prices to improve the performance of large scans
* Fixed error when the game is closed during a loading screen
* Minor UI tweaks to the Banking UI
* Sniper will now properly show a confirmation window when configured to do so

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.24 Changelog

TSM v4.8.24 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed issue with TSM blocking various game functions

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.23 Changelog

TSM v4.8.23 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed error during custom posting.
* Fixed error with variation items not getting tagged with the proper mail type.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.22 Changelog

TSM v4.8.22 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed error when evaluating some custom prices.
* Fixed error during Sniper.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.21 Changelog

TSM v4.8.21 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [Classic] Ignoring keyring updates.
* [Classic] Fixed an error with profession swapping.
* [Classic] Deposit reagent button is disabled for banking.
* Properly updating crafting queue when acquiring items.
* Fixed error with reseting auctioning operations.
* Auctioning saved searches fix.
* Sped up inbox scanning.
* Disenchanting fixes.
* Various optimizations.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.20 Changelog

TSM v4.8.20 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed bug with saving of Accounting data.
* Fixed bug with AH not properly hiding.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.19 Changelog

TSM v4.8.19 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [Classic] Fixed bug with professions not loading in previous release.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.18 Changelog

TSM v4.8.18 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [Classic] Fixed error when running Shopping scan based on required level.
* [Retail] Disenchant info fixes.
* Fixes issue with Crafting Queue buttons.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.17 Changelog

TSM v4.8.17 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [Classic] Fixed issue with scan data not saving properly, affecting AuctionDB prices.
* [Classic] Sped up manual scans.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.8.16 Changelog

TSM v4.8.16 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [All] Fixed issue with crafting cost not working in some situations.
* [All] Fixed error when renaming custom price source.

Known Issues