Category - Change Log

Changelog of TSM for app and in-game reference

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.10 Changelog

TSM v4.9.10 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [Retail] Bumped TOC version for patch 8.3
* [Retail] Fixed various issues which caused the scan to get stuck
* [Retail] Fixed various issues with Auctioning posting of non-commodities
* [Retail] Fixed searching for items with hyphenated names

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.9 Changelog

TSM v4.9.9 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed row selection in MyAuctions.
* Auctioning Posting fixes.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.8 Changelog

TSM v4.9.8 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed error with canceling.

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.7 Changelog

TSM v4.9.7 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [8.3] Fixed various posting and canceling issues
* [8.3] Fixed issues with bidding
* [8.3] A bunch of scanning optimizations

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.6 Changelog

TSM v4.9.6 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Added check when changing the craft value method that it doesn’t include “crafting”
* Fixed error when importing very old TSM settings
* Fixed issue with incorrect last scan time
* [Classic] Fixed error when starting a manual scan when one is already in progress
* [Classic] Fixed issue with disenchant value for some items
* [Classic] The manual scan popup now allows for immediately starting a scan
* [8.3] Fixed issue with bid and buyout price when posting multiple of an item
* [8.3] Showing the total purchase price in the popup for commodities
* [8.3] Fixed max post quantity for non-commodity items
* [8.3] Added workaround for Blizzard bug preventing searching for some items
* [8.3] Added “/upgrades” and “/uncollected” search terms

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.5 Changelog

TSM v4.9.5 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed issue with the number of “Posts” displayed from a scan being inflated
* [8.3] Fixed issue with the “Qty” column in auction tables being inaccurate in some situations
* [8.3] Fixed issue with the available purchase quantity being inaccurate in some situations

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.4 Changelog

TSM v4.9.4 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed issue with buying auctions via Sniper
* [8.3] Fixed issue with Sniper freezing the game when there are large number of items in groups
* [Classic] Fixed issue with vendor search and disenchant search not finding auctions in certain situations

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.3 Changelog

TSM v4.9.3 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed some issues with bidding and buying via Shopping / Sniper

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.2 Changelog

TSM v4.9.2 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* Fixed error when bidding on or buying auctions through Sniper
* Hiding auctions which can’t be bid on from Bid Sniper
* Fixed issue causing scanning to be slow in some situations

Known Issues

TradeSkillMaster v4.9.1 Changelog

TSM v4.9.1 has been released! If you are running the TSM Desktop Application (and have TSM4 installed), you will be automatically updated momentarily. Otherwise, you can download directly from our site here: (or wait for it to show on CurseForge/Twitch – which may take a few hours).

* [Classic] Fixed error when opening the My Auctions tab of the AH with pending sold auctions

Known Issues